Thumbs up grad girl

Kendice Ricci Pic“Thank you for impacting my life…and for your encouragement and wisdom…So much of who I am I owe to your family … Thank you for believing in me when others didn’t…I am going to college next year almost for free!”

– K. Ricci, Kirkland

“This course was extremely helpful, by directing me and pointing me in the right direction as it applies to scholarships. I now have the motivation to go to college free!”                                                                                                                   – R. Hughey, Sophomore, Puyallup

“I learned so much! Thank you! I have nothing but positive things 2 say!                                                                                       – E. Ashburn, Freshman, Tacoma

“… All of the tips were very useful and informative. I have much more confidence in the areas of scholarships & studying. I am now excited about college!”
.                                                                                                                                                                                                      – J. Clements, Freshman, Tacoma

“Wow! My parents forced me to come today…I was expecting it to be boring… but this was AWESOME!”
.                                                                                                                                                – Student from H.O.M.E.(homeschool support group), Bothell, WA

“Inspirational!…helpful for someone like me who still has three years of college left…”                                                                 – Anonymous College Freshman