Lots of folks will tell you that you can’t really raise your SAT, ACT or GRE scores by studying. Yet, lots of well-to-do parents send their students to SAT/ACT training courses. Some have tutors. Thriving businesses pick up a lot of revenue on people who disagree with this “can’t raise scores” notion. Some students went back a second and third time in order to get a higher score for the school of their interest that may have a cut-off threshold of some kind. And guess what? Those that actually did study for weeks or months in advance DID get higher scores. Often much higher scores…But for some reason we don’t hear that from some teachers…Why the difference? Does a certain type of studying and prep work actually help on this type of test? The answer is YES with little room for doubt. Sure, there are instances when the second score is substantially lower than the first and everyone wonders, “Why? How did this happen?” Everyone has good days and bad days, no doubt, but overall most folks are quite confident that more refresher study results in higher scores. And most agree that a systematic approach is probably far better than a “hit or miss” approach.