Hasn’t everyone had cases of “writer’s block?” Of course. But there are some great solutions out there. Here’s one. Write these words atop a sheet of paper (or type them at the top on your wordprocessor): Who, What, Why, Where, When and How. These six words comprise most all papers when all is said and done. Next, draft an outline, QUICKLY! Even if it’s not a good one–draft it anyway and do it quickly. Look at the six words atop your page while you’re thinking about the outline. Next, just start writing as fast as you can while following the outline–without thinking very long about anything. Write fast. Race. Do it now. When you get finished, you should be almost huffing and puffing, mentally at least. And by this time, Writer’s Block may already be gone. If not, keep going. Next, you settle into organizing all your brainstorming and then editing it. Lots of great things will probably pop up just by using this little exercise…
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