The five sessions below total 15 hours and are the core of GoToCollegeFree! programming. 
To register now, CLICK HERE:
Eventbrite - Go To College Free! Basic Training Program -- October 15, 18 & 19

SINGLE PAGE FLYER for the next upcoming program:  For a single page flyer click on:  FLYER 2013


Session 1 Seminar bulleted 301x341SEMINAR:  How and Why Scholarships and Grants Are Won…And Lost

6 PM – 9 PM
In this three hour opening session held on a Monday or Tuesday evening,
students learn all of the “who, what, why where, when, and how’s” of raising
funds for college through scholarships and grants. Roughly three billion
dollars (some think far more) are available each year for those who are
prepared, and know how and when to ask for it. Millions are left unclaimed
each year because no one asked—or didn’t ask correctly.

…and no. You don’t have to be an Einstein…not even close!

In this seminar, students and parents learn the basics for planning and
implementing a strategy and Master Plan that works. (3 hrs)



Session 2 Workshop bulletedWORKSHOP I:  How To Get A High GPA – Supercharged Learning Secrets

5 PM – 9 PM
Higher grades open up even more high dollar scholarship doors. In this session,
Dr. Wilson uncovers and compiles nearly all of the major “proven” student learning
methods and techniques that raise grades. Learning ‘know-how’ is the key to higher
grades—not IQ. These methods allow nearly every student to succeed if they simply
choose to employ the methods. The methods work for all ages 14 to 90!  Another
surprise: you’ll learn with or without “good” teachers. The specific methods are
breakthroughs for most people in listening, reading, note-making (not taking), class
participating, studying, recalling and testing. The methods unlock learning and recall
power in students (and parents!) that they didn’t know they had—methods that the
‘smart students’ have been using all along, and none of which require high IQ!  Even
A-students benefit from more tricks to save time. Dr. Wilson demolishes “I can’t”
arguments and leaves students with only three choices by workshop end: “I will,”
“I might,” or “I won’t.” The choice will be theirs. Most students are stunned, exhilarated
and empowered by program end as they finally “get it.” Some find hope in learning for the first time.
And parents learn to help the student use methods and gain confidence.(4 hrs)


Session 3 Workshop bulletedWORKSHOP II: Developing Your Masterplan & Notebook

9 AM – 2:30 PM  (bring your own lunch!)
This is the heart and soul of GoToCollegeFree! Programs. Here, students get started on
building a plan and detailed pieces of nearly every document they’ll need to win
scholarships. Parents advised this workshop be added so that students could break
the inertia and get a motivating, inspiring and well-organized “jumpstart” on their
personalized Masterplan. The jumpstart comes in the form of an organized notebook
chock full of crucial information and their own “jumpstart efforts” built together
during this key session. (5 hrs)





Session 4 Workshop bulletedWORKSHOP III:  How To Get High College Entry Test Scores

3 PM – 5 PM
Like grades, higher SAT, ACT and GRE scores also open up more opportunity and
high dollar scholarship doors. Most students can score significantly higher if they
prepare correctly. Most test-takers either do not follow a plan or fail to execute it
properly. Few identify their weaknesses (which is where most of the higher points
reside!). This workshop reviews how to identify subject weaknesses, how to develop
a weakness correction plan, how to schedule and study test subject areas, how and
when to use mock tests, how to take these types of tests, how to overcome test
anxiety, and how to physically and mentally be ready on the morning of test day.
The trick to getting substantially higher scores involves executing a comprehensive
test plan developed in this session. (2 hrs)



Session 5 bulletedWORKSHOP IV:  Formalize Your College Scholarship Finance Team

5 PM – 6 PM
This closing session reviews numerous ideas on how parents can and must partner
with students effectively. Parents play a key role although most of the legwork is
student driven. Parent roles include regular cheerleading, coaching, and counseling
in techniques and methods learned at GoToCollegeFree! Seminar & Workshops.
There are many ways and means to making the process fun, engaging and
rewarding for everyone that will be presented and discussed in this interactive session. (1 hrs)