PROGRAM DETAILS (“tentative”). The pilot program consists of several parts as follows:

1. Parent & Student Selection Criteria.

    a. Prerequisite Attendance at GoToCollegeFree! Basic Training Program. The Up&Out Program is based largely on the training and principles covered in the GoToCollegeFree! Basic Training Program. Therefore, only parents and students who have already attended such program may apply.

    b. Parent – Seven Step Requirement. The Up&Out Program intends to explore the potential to assist single parents with student education issues. Therefore, the parent applicant must:
          (i)    be the only parent currently in the home,
         (ii)   have been living alone as a single parent for at least two years prior to the application,
         (iii)  must express a strong, genuine desire to lead their child into a college educated future and a willingness to do whatever hard work it may take as the parent to facilitate such student success,
         (iv)   explain why she or he believes their student has the character and desire to pursue such a future,
          (v)   commit to serving once monthly as a monitor/facilitator at “Two Hour Tutoring Sessions” that are held every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning at a location to be determined,
         (vi)  commit to monthly online attendance at live GoToCollegeFree! coaching sessions, and         (vii) confirm that s/he did NOT contribute any funds to the student $50 portion required below.

    c.  Student –  Ten Step Requirement. The Up&Out Program is a three year program that intends to study the ability of students (with average to below average grades) to dramatically improve school performance under a monitored structure offered through GoToCollegeFree. Therefore, the student applicant MUST:
         (i)   be in 9th or 10th grade,
        (ii)  have a grade point average below 3.0 but at least 2.0,
        (iii) express a strong, genuine desire to one day attend college and demonstrate a willingness to do whatever hard work it may take to pursue a college pathway–including following monitored progress based on GoToCollegeFree learning principles taught during the Basic Training Program,
        (iv) write and submit a 900 to 1,000 word essay (12 point Times Roman font, 1 inch border all around, single space) explaining his/her background, strong desire to improve, why s/he would like to attend college, any career aspirations under consideration (if any) and why he/she believes that he/she possesses the character to follow through on this 3-year plan,
        (v)   recognize and be willing to fully cooperate as the core member of a formal team with his/her parent, tutors, parent monitors, teachers, and college adviser at his/her high school,
        (vi)  commit to attending “Two Hour Tutoring/Study Sessions” twice weekly that are held every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning at a location to be determined,
        (vii) agree to submit a signed copy (by the high school college counselor) of the student’s personal semester grades to GoToCollegeFree Up&Out Coordinator over the full three year period. These grades will be confidentially maintained and anonymously reported as major evidence of Up&Out Program ability to advance education in the lives of students,
        (viii) personally earn and pay $50 to attend the 15-hour, 5-session Basic Training Program conducted by GoToCollegeFree! Although the $390 program is being subsidized for Rainier Valley GoToCollegeFree! Programs, student personal investment is required as good faith evidence of personal commitment to the three year project. Parents must NOT donate any funds to this student portion. Moreover, the student must submit a written note with supervisor call-back phone number for verification of his/her work performed to earn funds received,
        (ix) contact their high school college counselor to explain their interest in this Up&Out Program and obtain their commitment to be part of their team should they be accepted, and
        (x)  interview with the Up&Out admission team should  s/he be accepted as a finalist for consideration to the Up&Out Program.

2.  High School College Counselor and Teacher Letters of Recommendation. The Up&Out Program is NOT a remedial education training program. Therefore, the high school counselor AND teacher letters of recommendation (Two Letters!) must confirm that:
        (i)   the student possesses basic math, reading and writing skills at a level between 2.0 and 3.0 grade point quality,
        (ii)  that they have conducted an interview with the student and feel that the student appears to have a rudimentary study commitment and interest in college and a willingness to work toward such future over the next three years,
       (iii) the counselor/teacher has reviewed the Up&Out Program material online at www.GoToCollegeFree.ORG, and
       (iv) the college counselor must agree in his/her letter to join the formal 3-Year research team of student, parent & tutors. The counselor role: twice yearly (in December & June) meet for 15-20 minutes with student and parent to discuss & review progress

3.  Two Character References. Two non-family character reference letters are required. At least one letter must be from a leader in his/her faith community (Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc; all faiths are welcome) that expresses confidence in the student’s character and willingness to stay with the GoToCollegeFree Up&Out Program and its tutoring workload for three full years.

4.  Student “Superstar Six” Tutors – Nine Step Approval. Student tutors must:
        (i)      be college-bound high school Juniors or Seniors,
       (ii)     hold at least 3.7 grade point average in high school,
       (iii)   must have all “A” grades (includes A- grades) in high school Math, English, Biology and Chemistry,
       (iv)    present proof of grades (school transcript),
       (v)     provide a letter of recommendation from at least one high school teacher and one non-family character reference regarding skill and ability/willingness to fully commit to time requirements,
       (vi)    commit to one full year (approximately 37 weeks; September through May; allows 2-3 weeks off for winter & spring breaks) tutoring at least one day weekly
(vii)  attend GoToCollegeFree 4-hour Session #2 Learning Secrets
      (viii) express clear understanding that they are playing a crucial role in a 3-year research project for later publication with significant public social ramifications, and
      (ix)    undergo an interview process with the Up&Out Tutor Review team for final approval.

5.  Funding Arrangements. GoToCollegeFree! will approach, IKEA, Staples, Office Max, Dell, Microsoft, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to supply funding for this 3-year pilot study. Support requests will focus on outfitting full workstations to include: desk, lamp, files, file system, notebooks, self-talk posters, notebook computer, printer, MS Office software, Safe Eyes internet blocker.


FOLLOW US ON TWITTER. Tune in every now and then to hear more about this project. GoToCollegeFree strongly believes that ANYONE who will implement its programs faithfully will not only succeed in high school and college but will also be able to obtain funding for significant college discounts.